Planet Earth

I love the snow because it makes the winter days bright and brings calmness into the cities. Especially in the woods or in nature generally you can hear the silence and the relaxation that seems to come with snow, for plants, animals and humans. The snow is purring under my feet and crackling like a fire in the air. When the city sounds quiet down the birds seem to take over, talkatively and singingly enjoying the snow as I do and speaking words I have never heard before. After running, dancing, watching, listening to the world around me I always thank the woods for sharing their home and letting me pass through it.
Parts of me smile every time when my pure joy and happiness arise with snow. There is this deep connection, fascination, respect for nature in all its facets and the urge to learn with and from nature. I think we all have this possibility to open up towards nature around us. I think we all must realize that from the highest snow peaks to the deepest layers of earth, everything is connected. Despite all winter fascination I know, that climate, pollution, power misuse is changing the planet rapidly. Snow is melting in the polar region, groundwater levels are sinking and there are sinking landscapes too. The rainforest still gets cut down, plastic is piling up in large mountains and spreading into wide lakes of nonrecyclable waste.
There is no time, no excuse to wait with actions and changes anymore. We as a global community, we as individuals and societies within the community, need to change climate policies and take responsibility not only for our children but trees, birds, bears, rivers, corals etc. Supporting local projects (e.g. Collegium Academicum, Haus des Engagements), citizen groups, buying less plastics, using public transport, sharing information about climate change, showing politicians and one another (e.g. through demonstrations) that we need change now! Everyone has their own way and most importantly CAN take action and influence. You might start alone but with courage and endurance you can reach out and affect people around you. And if you’d rather join an existing group: look around you. There is plenty initiatives to support!